Monday, October 19, 2015

Making but not Sewing

Lots of making-stuff these days. Preschool had a car show last week. Ignorant me, when I saw this on the calendar six weeks ago I assumed they were *going* to a car show. Not *being* a car show. P decided he wanted to be an ambulance. Grandpa helped construct the body, I covered it with red poster board, and P decorated. He is especially proud of the face on the front and doors that can open and close in the back. I am especially proud of the blinking bike light and the fact that it looks like a kid made it. Worth mentioning, so maybe I remember in two years when we do it all again: the tankless water heater was the biggest box used by any kid, and he was the only one without straps to hold it up. He put his hands palm-up under the roof of the car, which worked fine. For the next one, I'll probably aim for something more like a diaper box.  Of course, by then diapers will be a distant memory, right?? This was a fun project, but of course we ended up with a stressed-out-time-crunch right at the end. I like making; I don't love deadlines. Speaking of deadlines, Halloween is a BIG one...

Progress is being made on one of the four costumes, anyway. I'm having a hard time finding fairy wings. Gah! Time to turn to Amazon, I suppose, but I'll have to do it soon! Time is a-wasting! Next year we'll just be the Tiger family. Two of the four of us won't even need pants!

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